Events and talks

There are a couple of events coming up in the next few months that I thought might be of interest.
There will be a memorial lecture in Moray House in honour of Tom Conlon who was a lecturer there for 25 years. Tom was one of the few voices in education that tried to explore the purpose of education and the role of technology within it so it promises to be an interesting evening and a chance to meet people with a variety of different viewpoints.

Computing: what shall we tell the kids?
Speaker: Professor Alan Bundy, School of Informatics, The University of Edinburgh
Time: Wednesday 26th September at 5.30pm
Location: Godfrey Thomson Hall, Thomson’s Land, Moray House School of Education, Holyrood, Edinburgh, EH8 8AQ

It’s a free public lecture but they’ve asked to confirm your attendance in advance by contacting Sheila Arnott by email or by phone on 0131 651 6329
SICSA is the group representing the Computing departments at the universities in Scotland. They have a training day coming up soon for new lecturers but they are very happy for teachers to come too. The programme looks very interesting. It’s free for teachers (and includes lunch!)

SICSA New Computing Lecturer Induction Day, 1st October, 2012
Queen Mother Building, University of Dundee
10.30 Research Led Teaching: Karen Petrie, University of Dundee
12.00 Interactive Teaching with Large and Small Groups: Judy Robertson, Heriot-Watt University
14.00 Teaching and Assessing Programming: Quintin Cutts, University of Glasgow
15.30 Supervising Honours and MSc Projects: Jackie Archibald, Abertay University

Registration: or Contact:

Kate Farrell


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