ICT Excellence Group report

For the last few months a group (including teachers, parents and pupils) have been working with Professor Muffy Calder (Chief Scientific Adviser) looking at the future on ICT in our schools and specifically, the future of Glow.

Their report has now been published and is well worth looking at.

What struck me was firstly that their proposal for “Glow Plus” (although they also recommend a name change) looks like something I’d actually want to use in school with pupils (rather than something I’m forced to use by organisations putting important documentation only onto Glow).  In addition, the prototype that Charlie Love has developed, Glew, meets their requirements very well.

If you haven’t looked at Glew recently then it is worth trying out, as much from the perspective of deciding what you feel is important in a national intranet system.  I’ve been using it with my classes as a blogging platform and the pupils seem happy to use it.  I couldn’t say the same about Glow.

Kate Farrell


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