S3-S6 National ICT and Digital Technologies Careers Day

S3-S6 National ICT and Digital Technologies Careers Day
Wednesday 11th June 2014


Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh
10:00 – 14:15
A light lunch will be provided




Dear Headteacher and Careers/Computing/Teaching Staff


Over the last year, employers have worked with e-skills UK and partners including Skills Development Scotland, to deliver a career attractiveness programme encouraging hundreds of learners to consider a career in IT. In addition, we have now secured Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh for a National ICT and Digital Technologies Careers Day and would like to invite pupils from S3 to S6 to this unique event.


Information Technology (IT) is the driving force of the global competitive economy, underpinning innovation, competitiveness and long term prosperity. Fully exploiting technology is the single most powerful lever Scotland can employ to achieve wholesale productivity gains right across the economy. If action is taken to increase implementation of technology throughout Scotland, this could generate £3.7 Billion in extra revenue over the next 5-7 years.


As identified within the Skills Investment Plan, supported by e-skills UK Technology Insights research, the IT sector continues to be a key growth area and a major generator of jobs in Scotland. However, there remains a shortage of skilled IT professionals and a critical need for higher level skills to fill these vacancies. Research also shows that there is an increasing need to attract more people to application and development infrastructure roles.


This interactive event aims to provide pupils with an increased understanding of the Scottish IT sector. Commentary from leading employers in Scotland will provide you with an invaluable insight into the exciting and highly rewarding job opportunities available.


The event is free but places are limited and therefore provided on a first come first served basis. To ensure you secure a place at this event, register now via the website.


The event will run from 10:00 until 14:15 and a light lunch will be provided.


A working agenda is provided below.




Michael Kowbel
Scotland Director e-skills UK


Agenda – National ICT and Digital Technologies Careers Day




Welcome to BigAmbition Scotland



Learning zones:


> Expert Zone – join us for an opportunity to ask industry experts questions like:
– What it is like to work in ICT and Digital Technologies?
– How do I get in to the sector?
– What sort of skills are you looking for in employees?
– What are the jobs of the future likely to be?


> Opportunity Zone – learn from employers and education providers about the different entry routes into the ICT and Digital Technologies sector. You will be able to hear about the different job opportunities that are available, college and university courses and other options such as Modern Apprenticeships


> Interactive Zone – an interactive session led by industry to teach you about programming in coding languages. Hands-on session giving you an important insight into the world of code


Lunch break


Closing session

Kate Farrell


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